Member for Cook Cynthia Lui is visiting the communities of the Northern Peninsula Area on Wednesday 26 September.
Ms Lui will meet with the Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council, Bamaga Hospital, QLD Health and the NPA Family and Community Services to discuss key issues affecting the communities and the following Palaszczuk government’s investment in the region.
2018-19 Budget Highlights specific to the NPA:
Health and Ambulance Services
- · $2.9 million in 2018-19 out of a $3.3 million total spend for the Bamaga Staff Accommodation Project, which will deliver six new one-bedroom units, and two new three-bedroom houses at the Bamaga Hospital site in line with a Feasibility Study Report completed in December 2017.
Child Safety, Youth and Women and Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence
- $482,256 as part of a $1,937,817 commitment over four years to provide family support services to work with vulnerable families to help improve parenting skills and give parents the support they need to prevent problems from escalating to crisis point in Northern Peninsula Area
- $396,978 as part of a $1,596,602 commitment over four years to provide domestic and family violence services to improve the safety and wellbeing of victims and their children, particularly those in high risk situations in Northern Peninsula Area
- $130,736 as part of a $525,326 commitment over four years to provide support to vulnerable individuals and assist them to get their lives back on track in Northern Peninsula Area
- $484,496 as part of a $1,947,804 commitment over four years to provide support to vulnerable women to keep them safe and connected in their communities in Northern Peninsula Area
- $138,735 as part of a $560,859 commitment over four years to provide support for young people at risk of disconnection, focusing service delivery efforts on building their connections to their families and the community in Northern Peninsula Area
Health and Ambulance Services
- Grant funding is $470,482 as part of a $2,352,410 commitment over 5 years to provide management of environmental issues that impact on health in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Northern Peninsula Area.
- $330,000 in 2018-19 out of a $1 million total spend to complete electrical upgrades at Primary Health Care Centres across all 14 sites, located in the Northern Sector of the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service, covering all inhabited islands of the Torres Strait, Northern Peninsula Area.
Communities, Disability Services and Seniors
- Funding Commitment is $24,179 in 2018-19 to assist persons under 65 or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person aged under 50, with a disability. As clients transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme in Northern Peninsula Area.
- $118,407 as part of a $473,628 commitment over four years to provide programs to increase the ability for individuals and community groups to participate positively in their community Neighbourhood Centre at Bamaga.
Media contact: Cook Electorate Office – 4223 1100